The skin needs the right balance of nutrients to perform its primary function as a barrier that protects the rest of the body from external aggressions. To keep your skin looking, performing and feeling great, take care of it from the inside out.

Healthy fats

Look out for monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in nuts, seeds, plants like avocados, and fish.

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that the body cannot produce, but is necessary for the construction of cell walls. . It also blocks chemicals that can allow skin cancer to grow and spread and reduces inflammation.

Skin Care


The body converts the ingested proteins into building blocks called amino acids and reuses them to make other proteins, such as collagen and keratin, which make up the skin’s structure.

Some amino acids are antioxidants that protect skin cells from UV rays and “free radicals” that are produced when the body breaks down certain foods or when you’re around cigarette smoke. For good and healthy skin you should use friendly skin products like Natureva Skin Care Products.

Vitamin A

Both the top and bottom layers of the skin need vitamin A. Vitamin A appears to prevent sun damage by interrupting the collagen degradation process. Since it’s an antioxidant, it can provide some protection against sunburn (although it’s not as strong as sunscreen). It can also help heal cuts and scrapes if you’re taking steroids to keep it down. Vitamin A deficiency can make your skin dry, itchy and uneven.

Vitamin C

Think of collagen as “C”. This vitamin helps the complex protein network maintain its shape. It is also a powerful antioxidant that protects you from free radicals and reduces the risk of skin cancer. Low levels of vitamin C can cause you to bruise more easily, gums to bleed more easily, and to cause ulcers.

Vitamin E

This antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect can also absorb the energy of UV rays that can damage the skin, leading to wrinkles, sagging and skin cancer. Works with vitamin C to strengthen cell walls.


The outer layer of the skin contains five times more minerals than the lower layer. Zinc helps skin heal after injury. It is necessary to maintain cell wall stability and allow cells to divide and specialise as they grow. Protects the skin from damage. It also works as an antioxidant.

Too little zinc can look like eczema, but an itchy rash won’t get better with moisturisers or steroid creams. Minerals that are deficient in selenium have been linked to an increased risk of skin cancer.

Some foods contain more than one nutrient for your skin, which often helps it function better:

  • Dark leafy vegetables (cabbage, spinach, collards): vitamins A, C and E; Omega 3; protein — plus selenium in spinach
  • Eggs: proteins, vitamins A and E, selenium, zinc
  • Flax seeds: omega-3, selenium
  • Legumes (lentils, chickpeas): protein, zinc
  • Avocado: healthy fats, vitamins C

Check with your doctor if you’re concerned you’re not getting enough of these key nutrients from your diet to make sure supplements aren’t affecting your health in other ways. Fish oil, for example, is a source of omega-3s, but taking it may not be a good idea if you are on blood thinners or have a weakened immune system. And zinc supplements can reduce the effectiveness of some antibiotics. Use good and friendly skin products for your skin to feel Alive. Natureva Skin products are designed as per your skin requirements and makes you and your skin feel good.

 Best Foods For Healthy, Glowing Skin For All Ages

We can’t stop the natural ageing process, but our lifestyles play an important role in maintaining healthy, glowing skin. . Avoiding excessive sun exposure, wearing sunscreen, drinking less alcohol and quitting smoking are the most important steps in protecting and healing your skin. Habits contribute to beautiful, glowing skin along with overall health and well-being. It’s about eating delicious foods packed with nutrients that work together.


Close up of green, red and orange paprika

Paprika is one of the best vitamin C rich foods, containing over 100% of your daily dose of vitamin C at 95 mg in just half. is. hour cup. Vitamin C has important antioxidant properties and is known for its immune-boosting effects, but it also plays an important role in skin health.


Watermelon Sliced ​​Watermelon Close-up

Every cell in the body needs water to function properly and optimally. Two cups of diced watermelon is equivalent to one cup of water and can help keep skin hydrated and supple.


Walnuts in a white casserole dish on a yellow background. Speaking of omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts are an excellent source, containing the highest levels of omega-3s of virtually any other nut. It also contains more polyphenols that help fight inflammation and free radicals than many other tree nuts and peanuts.

Walnuts also contain prebiotics. It is a type of indigestible fibre that allows probiotics to nourish and positively impact gut bacteria that have been found to be associated with skin health.


 Fresh ripe strawberries in a white bowl on a white wooden table. Not only are they delicious and refreshing, but they’re also packed with fibre, antioxidants, and vitamin C, which are great for healthy skin. Strawberries are the real star, and 1/2 cup of chopped strawberries provides him with 49mg, or over 50% of his daily requirement.


Green ripe kiwi on a wooden board with a knife. One of vitamin C’s most powerful roles is in the production of collagen, the protein that gives skin its elasticity. Collagen breaks down with age and contributes to wrinkles, but kiwifruit, rich in vitamin C, provides 141% of your daily value and helps counteract this effect, says dermatologists. Varieties such as golden kiwi are even richer in vitamin C and are an excellent source of micronutrients. Since the body cannot manufacture vitamin C, it is very important to get enough of this nutrient from food to protect the body from harmful pathogens.Kiwi is also over 90% water.


Red, green, and black grapes provide a combination of ellagic acid and resveratrol, two compounds that help fight oxidative stress. Scientists recently found that eating grapes for two weeks protected them from UV rays. understood.

Talk to your doctor if you’re concerned you’re not getting enough of these key nutrients from your food to make sure supplements won’t affect your health in other ways. Fish oil is a source of omega-3s, for example, but taking it may not be a good idea if you’re on blood thinners or have a weakened immune system. And zinc supplements can make some antibiotics less effective.

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